3GT's 2025 New Works Festival
3Girls Theatre’s New Works Festival is a celebratory culmination of new plays by women+ playwrights whose work has been in development through 3GT’s Reading Series. In honor of 3GT’s partnership with KALW, the 2025 NWF theme is Seen and Heard, and will feature the work of SF Bay Area artists collaborating on multiple projects by 3GT playwrights.
220 Montgomery Street
San Francsico, CA 94104
Click Here to Buy Tickets

Introducing Our Partner: KALW

KALW's Mission is rooted in the Bay Area and inspired by the world. KALW strives to:
Create and curate programming that is informative, innovative, inclusive, and entertaining.
Nurture new and underrepresented voices.
Strive to engage the individual and strengthen the connections between us.
Past New Works Festival Moments

NWF Production Team
3GT 2025 NWF Sponsors
3Girls Theatre Company would like to thank the following individuals, organizations, and local businesses for their support of our 10th New Works Festival! This festival would not have been possible without the generosity of our Festival Sponsors.
Festival Sponsors: AJ Baker, Pat McElroy, Nonie Greene, Bill Bivins, Tom Lockhart, and Claudia Sarconi
Thank you to Ben Trefny and KALW,
Bryan Anderson and Kelly Lacy