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Join 3GirlsTheatre

We need your support to put Women's Work On Stage, Where It Belongs!

Creating opportunities for women theatre-makers

As 3GT celebrates our 10th anniversary we’re more passionate than ever about bringing you new plays by women theatre-makers. But to do it, we need your support! In 2011, 3Girls Theatre Company’s founding mission was frequently met with bemused indulgence. Today everyone’s talking about the importance of hearing women’s voices, on stage and everywhere else.



Where Do Your Tax-Deductible
Contributions Go?

The largest part of your donation goes to compensating our artists and staff for their time and talent.  3GT is committed to paying meaningful stipends to the playwrights, directors, dramaturgs, performers, designers and other theatre artists who help 3GT bring new plays to life.   In addition, donor dollars make it possible for 3GT to offer all of our performances either completely free to the public or on a sliding scale at the door by underwriting production costs.


Why Do Arts-Lovers Like You Support 3Girls Theatre?

Because like you, they believe the voices of women deserve to be heard onstage. 3Girls Theatre Company challenges the status quo by developing, promoting and presenting plays made by Bay Area women. 3GT is one of very few companies nationwide that both develop and produce exclusively new work by women theatre-makers. But we’re only able to do it thanks to the support of our community.


Experience Theatre Created by Women!

3GT started with a single program, the Salon Reading Series: monthly staged readings of new plays written by a small cohort of seasoned Bay Area women playwrights “in their prime.” Today, our company offers development and performance opportunities to an ever-expanding group of women theatre-makers who reflect the uniqueness and diversity of the San Francisco Bay Area.

Level 1

Get in on the excitement of putting new work by women on stage!

Level 2

Be more than an audience member - Help us expand our mission as a valued 3GT donor!

Level 3

 Your support sustains our mission, and gives you opportunities for special benefits, like meeting the creators of our productions to learn about the ins and outs of how 3GT does womens' theatre.

Level 4

As a sponsor,  your donation is key to our work! Tell us how you want to participate behind the scenes, and we'll do our best to make it happen.

We use PayPal Giving Fund

a secure nonprofit-friendly interface, to process your donation without fees.  Just choose your Donor Level, then click to enter your dollar amount at PPGF and we’ll do the rest!


Hate donating online? 

No problem!  Just send your check to:

3Girls Theatre Company
1034 Kearny Street
San Francisco CA 94133


3Girls Theatre Company is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. 

All contributions are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. EIN: 45-1296583

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