The World Premiere of 'Tasha

‘Tasha is a one woman show exploring the in-custody murder of Natasha McKenna at the hands of law enforcement in Fairfax, Virginia in 2015. The play, written by artist and activist Cat Brooks, directed by Oakland's Poet Laureate Dr. Ayodele Nzinga, and performed by acclaimed actor Jeunée Simon, explores her life and murder from the point of view of several characters, including Natasha herself. "Natasha started talking so loudly I had to get up and write what she was saying," Brooks said of the script's genesis in 2015.
Trigger warning: This show contains graphic images and language depicting the murder of a young Black woman at the hands of police. A non-shooting, replica firearm will be used onstage and will be pointed at the audience. It is a non-working, prop gun. It will be accompanied by the sounds of gunshots and screaming.
Thanks to the support of Anti Police-Terror Project and Mental Health First Oakland, Healing Services by Nekia Wright and Hadiza Mohammed are available for select performances. Healers will be in the lobby during the performance and in the theatre after the show to support anyone who feels the need for healing after experiencing the images and themes explored in this show.
The healers are available to talk to anyone about feelings that come up and help manage emotions to help you process this experience so you can go back out into the world.
Dates and Times
Friday, 2/24 @ 7:30pm (Opening Night)*
Saturday, 2/25 @ 7:30pm*
Sunday, 2/26 @ 2pm*
Thursday, 3/2 @ 7:30pm
Friday, 3/3 @ 7:30pm
Saturday, 3/4 @ 7:30pm*
Sunday, 3/5 @ 2pm
Thursday, 3/9 @ 7:30pm
Friday, 3/10 @ 7:30pm
Saturday, 3/11 @ 7:30pm*
Sunday, 3/12 @ 2pm*
Thursday, 3/16 @ 7:30pm
Friday, 3/17 @ 7:30pm
Saturday, 3/18 @ 7:30pm (Closing Night)*
*Healing services available during and after this performance of 'Tasha
Join us on opening and closing night for a post-show conversation featuring playwright Cat Brooks and director Dr. Ayodele Nzinga.
All Performances at:
Z Below
470 Florida Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
Press Inquiries: Liam Passmore
liam (at) shaveandahaircut (dot) biz ,
'Tasha Team

'Tasha Production Team
Liam Passmore ... Publicist
Deb Harrison ... Graphic Designer
Brendan Yungert ... Carpenter
Axel Hanley ... Carpenter/Painter
Leja Ejury ... Carpenter/Painter
Ashley Munday ... Master Electrician
Shy Baniani ... Electrician
Nikola Capp ... Electrician
Elle Ghini ... Electrician
Logan Vincent ... Electrician
Daniel Hall ... House Tech
Hadiza Mohammed ... Healer
Nekia Wright ... Healer

The Anti Police-Terror Project is a Black-led, multi-racial, intergenerational coalition that seeks to build a replicable and sustainable model to eradicate police terror in communities of color. We support families surviving police terror in their fight for justice, documenting police abuses and connecting impacted families and community members with resources, legal referrals, and opportunities for healing. APTP began as a project of the ONYX Organizing Committee.
Articles and Reviews of 'Tasha
The Development of 'Tasha at 3GT
The script for ‘Tasha is based on years of research and rewrites by playwright Cat Brooks, with the help of her community, including longtime creative partner and ‘Tasha dramaturg and director, Dr. Ayodele Nzinga. “Natasha started talking so loudly I had to get up and write what she was saying.” Brooks said of the script’s genesis in 2015. In 2017-2018, Brooks participated in several 3GT script development programs, in which community members offered their thoughts on the impact of playwrights’ work. In 2019, 3GT sent Brooks and Nzinga on a trip to Virginiato speak with some of those close to Natasha and the circumstances surrounding her death. It felt, in Brooks’ words, “unprincipled to continue [developing the script] any further without talking to the people most impacted by her death: her family and her community”. These interviews with Natasha’s community, and the insights they gave Brooks and the creative team, were incorporated into the final script.
The much-anticipated world premier has been delayed by the pandemic since 2020. Sadly, the themes explored have only become more relevant as the pandemic accelerates existing trends, including the oppression and marginalization of Black bodies. The world premier will occur at San Francisco’s Z Below in March 2023, after several pandemic postponements beginning in 2020.
Additional Resources
MH First Oakland, a project of Anti Police-Terror Project, is a cutting-edge new model for non-police response to mental health crisis. For more information, visit
For information on Kimberlé Crenshaw's Say Her Name Campaign, visit

Support 3Girls Theatre
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Funders and Sponsors
